- BINUCA press release 003/2014: UN Integrated Office welcomes election of new Head of State of the Transition in the Central African Republic [07 February 2014]
- UN press release:Central African Republic’s ‘spiral of vengeance’ could undermine trust among communities far into future, Security Council warned [Security Council briefing by Leila Zerrougui, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict; Adama Dieng, Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide; Zainab Hawa Bangura, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict; and Kyung-wha Kang, Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator (22 January 2014)]
- UN press release: Secretary-General announces members of Central African Republic Commission of Inquiry to Investigate Events since 1 January 2013 [22 January 2014]
- BINUCA press release 002/2014: UN Integrated Office welcomes election of new Head of State of the Transition in the Central African Republic [20 January 2014]
- OHCHR press release: UN team documents grave human rights violations in the Central African Republic [14 January 2014]
- BINUCA press release 001/2014: UN Special Representative urges calm following the resignations of the Head of State and the Prime Minister of the transition (11 January 2014)
- UN press release: Secretary-General, in message to Extraordinary Summit on Central African Republic, says ‘distrust high and violence has fuelled thirst for revenge’ (9 January 2014)
- UN press release: Situation in Central African Republic has ‘greatly deteriorated’, Security Council told as senior official stresses violence, atrocities must stop (6 January 2014)
- UN press release: Security Council, unanimously adopting resolution 2127 (2013), mandates mission in Central African Republic to protect civilians, restore state authority (5 December 2013)
- UN press release: Security Council expresses readiness to consider ‘appropriate measures’ against those fuelling violence in Central African Republic (10 October 2013)
- Press release 008/2013: BINUCA deeply shocked by attack in the village Korom M'Poko
- Communiqué de presse 007/2013: Visite d’une délégation Nations Unies-Gouvernement à Bossangoa
- Communiqué de presse 006/2013: Le BINUCA gravement préoccupé par la récente montée de la violence en RCA
- Communiqué de presse 005/2013: Le BINUCA dénonce les violations des droits de l'homme
- Communiqué de presse 004/2013: Arrivée en Centrafrique du général Babacar Gaye, chef du BINUCA
- Communiqué de presse 002/2013:Centrafrique : visite d’une Mission d’évaluation stratégique des Nations Unies
- Communiqué de presse 001/2013: RCA : la Représentante spéciale adjointe présente ses lettres de créances
- Communiqué de presse 006/2012: La Représentante spéciale réaffirme l’attachement de l’ONU à la mise en œuvre des accords de paix
- Communiqué de presse N°03/2012: Rencontre entre des représentants de la communauté internationale et la CPJP
- Communiqué de presse N° 004/ 2011: Les Nations Unies expriment leurs vives préoccupations face aux violents combats qui opposent la CPJP et l’UFDR à Bria et appellent à un cessez-le-feu immédiat
Closure of BINUCA
Following the adoption of Security Council resolution 2149 of 10 April 2014, BINUCA has been subsumed in the newly established peacekeeping operation - the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central Africal Republic (MINUSCA).